“Big deal!” I hear you shout. Well, let me explain. I am the king of gadget geeks in my family (and Sarah’s family). Yet I have only just bought a DVD recorder. I have DVD burners for computers but I have never owned a standard ‘plug in to the telly’ DVD recorder. And it’s great!
Where we used to have to switch a SCART box to choose between cable TV, the video and the DVD player, we can now watch cable going through the video going through the DVD recorder! No more switching. We can record all of our old VHS footage on to DVD. We can record telly programs direct to DVD. Which means I can use TV footage on my PC too!
As I type we are transferring the first of Sharmaine’s baby videos over. All this came at the price of just £80. Techno-bliss .
I haven’t stepped up for one of these, but I will eventually. If only for transferring from VHS it would be worth it. DVD media is cheap these days. If you buy in bulk, it’s as little as $0.25 per disc.